How Much Do Solar Panels Cost in the Philippines A Complete Guide
How Much Do Solar Panels Cost in the Philippines? A Complete Guide
November 18, 2023

Did you know that an hour and a half of sunlight can power the world for a full year? Solar radiation is a cost-efficient energy resource, especially in sunny countries like the Philippines. Explore the potential of solar panels to maximize sunlight and save on energy costs.

The cost of solar panel installation in the Philippines

Discover the investment required to kickstart your energy-saving journey with solar panels. According to Philip Panlilio, COO of MERALCO’s Spectrum Inc., a 3.8-kilowatt solar generating system is estimated at P350,000 to P400,000

Purchasing a solar panel system is expensive because you already pay for a service beyond the materials. Cost also includes installation, legal documentation, and net metering application.

Actual costs vary depending on the solar power system you’re looking at. Personal finance platform Moneymax has gathered cost information from several sources and came up with the estimate below:

Kilowatt-Peak (kWp)PriceIdeal for
1-2 kWp (~5 solar panels)P90,000 – P200,000Households with just an average daytime use of appliances (may include up to two refrigerators and an air conditioning system)
4-5 kWp (~10 solar panels)P250,000 – P500,000Households with heavy daytime use of appliances (may include multiple refrigerators, air conditioning systems, washing machines, vacuums, etc.)
8-10 kWp (~30 solar panels)P500,000 – P850,000Households with heavy daytime use of multiple appliances (may include refrigerators, air conditioning systems, washing machines, vacuums, lights, televisions, laptops, pool pumps, etc.)

Source: Moneymax

Despite the high investment cost, purchasing a solar panel system for your structure offers many benefits.

Benefits of installing solar panels

Cost savings

Spectrum Inc. reveals that solar installations can cover up to half your energy bill, making it a financially beneficial choice. During the day, solar power will meet your energy needs, reducing reliance on external sources. Nighttime consumption, typically lower due to reduced activity, becomes more cost-effective.

Clean and renewable energy

Solar power is an infinite and environmentally friendly energy source, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Unlike traditional sources, solar power doesn’t release toxic gases, contributing to cleaner air and a positive environmental impact.

Low maintenance

Solar panels boast minimal maintenance requirements despite initial installation costs, guaranteeing sustained cost savings. For home installations, a yearly checkup ensures optimal performance. Larger setups only need a biannual maintenance check, maintaining peak functionality efficiently over time. 

Property value increase

Going solar enhances property value, making your home or building more attractive. Being a sustainable structure and generating a smaller electricity bill make your home or building more valuable in the market.

METSOLAR: German technology for reliable solar solutions

Explore METALINK’s solar solution, METSOLAR, which offers German technology and power efficiency. Certified and tested, METSOLAR is ideal for utility and commercial-scale projects, guaranteeing exceptional performance even in low-light conditions.

Consult with experts to secure the best quality when opting for a solar panel system. Contact METALINK for insights tailored to your structure’s size, electricity usage, and available space. Make an informed decision to harness the valuable resource of solar power.

Invest in solar panels to enjoy the enduring benefits of sunlight energizing your structure. While an initial investment is required, the long-term returns make solar panels a wise and sustainable choice for your home or building. Consult with experts at METALINK to ensure the acquisition of top-quality solar panels tailored to your unique needs. Also like and follow Metalink’s Facebook page to know the latest updates!

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